I have recently heard from my distributor in the US that several people, as they are looking at the models at the trade shows, say that they can buy one pdf chart from me and then print as many copies as they want to resell! I know that there are some stitchers out there that are not bothered about copyright and blatantly share charts with all and sundry but these are shop owners who we trust to have the integrity to respect copyright. I am not for one suggesting for one moment that all shop owners are doing this but it only takes one or two …
When I started designing I wanted to make my designs affordable for everyone and readily available world wide. By selling pdf charts a stitcher has almost instant gratification as the chart is delivered almost immediately (time differences permitting).
I have now decided to give Stitching Pretty exclusive rights of sale in the US which means you will have to purchase my designs from your LNS (via Stitching Pretty - the distributor). UK and European customers will be able to purchase printed charts directly from me but this unfortunately means a price rise to cover printing costs and packaging plus postage costs to wherever you live and which will also bring the price in line with that of the US.
I will leave my site open for six or so weeks to enable those of my customers to complete their 'collections' so if there is any chart you wish to have now is the time to buy!
I am sorry to do this but I see no alternative.
New designs will be shown on a new iStitch Designs blog *here* (which will open on the day the other closes), plus my personal blog and iStitch Designs Facebook page. Please bear with me during transition www.istitchdesigns.blogspot.co.uk
Take care